
Testing In Progress

We’re currently running a series of ‘Test’ gameweeks whilst we make sure everything is working as it should be and ready for the new season. Feel…

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GW 41 – Ones to Watch

Matt: It looks like we had a highly profitable Easter weekend for some, for others not so much! The handful of players who recorded back-to-back tons…

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GW 39 – Ones to Watch

Matt: We may be fast approaching the run-in for the current season, but we’ve got a potentially pivotal Bank Holiday weekend ahead of us, with two…

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GW 38 – Ones to Watch

Matt: Another challenging gameweek we had there in GW 37, more in terms of piecing together a considerable total than anything, with lots of 1 and…

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GW 37 – Ones to Watch

Matt: Quite a tricky weekend in GW 36, with just one solitary player managing to book a table at ‘Club 100’ – well done to Tony…

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GW 36 – Ones to Watch

Matt: This coming weekend we have our latest (and final) ‘International Week’ of the season, so you’ll be well aware what that entails by now I’m…

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Review – GW 35

This past week or so has consisted of two completely contrasting rounds. Going back to GW 34, the second ‘Midweek Bonus Round’ of the season clearly…

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GW 35 – Ones to Watch

Matt: Those ‘Midweek Bonus Rounds’ never seem to get any easier! You’d think with the addition of the Champions League fixtures in particular, that it would…

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GW 33 – Ones to Watch

Matt: As Sam alluded to in his weekly report for GW32, it was a round that offered up plenty of opportunity in terms of goals and…

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Review – GW 32

Every now and then this wonderfully capricious game throws up the odd head-scratcher of a gameweek, not least where the stats are concerned! Incredibly (and thankfully!),…

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