Final Test Game Week

Thank you for submitting teams last weekend for our first test Game Week, it was great to see so many of you back and in the points. We have made several changes to the site this week to further improve performance and stability of the platform. As such we will run this weekend as our final Test Game Week. Once this is done ALL scores from GW1-3 will be cleared and The Ultimate Goals will be back for good!

There are a couple of things on the site which we are still working on – you may notice that fixtures are showing as 14:00 rather than 15:00, a few team logos are oversized and a table or 2 has some styling issues. Rest assured these are on our list but do not impact on the game or performance of the site.

Over the next week we will also be working on the sign-up process for new users and will clear old mini leagues which no longer contain any score data. This is all being done to provide you with the best experience possible.

Thank you again for your patience and ongoing support. We look forward to welcoming you all back.

TUG Team.